Pinnacle miroVideo DC50 will now work in Windows XP with a new driverupdate!

In Windows XP you can use the same functions with miro Video DC50 like in NT or W2k.
This update will also work in Windows 2000.

miro Instant will work in Premiere 5.x and 6.x.
You can capture and output like in NT or W2k.

Capture is only in Premiere 5.x or 6.x available.

If you use NTFS+W2k or XP there is no 2GB-capture limit.
(Sometimes files over 4 GB can you only open in Virtual Dub or TMPGEnc.)

Current version 1.5 for Windows 2000 and XP
Driver 1.32 or 1.42 will not work with XP.

Driver 1.5 is an update for driver 1.42, wich must be installed before!

For infos how to get this new DC50-XP-driver mail me to

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